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THE DAILY GROANER - Wednesday, July 4th 2012

Good Morning Groanies,

My son is a funny guy. He's funny because it seems like he doesn't quite enjoy any particular thing for too long of a time. It's like he can only enjoy something for 20 minutes or so and then he has had enough. Whether it's his swing, bouncer, or Monkey Island play-mat, he is only amused for so long.

In the last few weeks we have found something that Jack enjoys - light. Jack loves to look at light. Whether it's coming in through the window, or from a lamp or ceiling fan, or a television, my boy is giving it a look-see.

But the thing that he really seemed to enjoy we discovered Saturday night. Our town had a fest of sorts going on last weekend and included in the program was an elaborate fireworks display (which is commonplace this time of year). So after he finished his bottle, Stacy and I took him out to see if this type of light-show was up his alley. And wouldn't you know it, the little booger was mesmerized. I don't think he blinked once during the whole thing. It was such a great moment. I'll never forget the look on his face as he saw the sky light up like that.

Well, I guess I have seen his face look like that before. It's when Stacy and Jack watch 'Wheel of Fortune' together. Maybe he has a thing for Vanna.

Groaningly yours,

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*-- Just Like A Baby --*

Two old men are talking. The first says, "I hate getting up in the morning. I have no energy and I ache all over. You look like you're the same age. You feel the same way, don't you?"

The second old guy says, "No. I feel like a newborn baby."

The first old guy asks, "How can you feel like a newborn baby, at our age?"

The second old guy says, "I have no hair. I have no teeth. And I just pooped my pants."

(Joke courtesy of Brian L.)

*-- When I Win the Lottery... --*

Micah and Steve, two good ole boys from South Carolina, were sittin' on the front porch drinking beer when a large truck hauling rolls and rolls of sod went by.

"I'm gonna do that when I win the lottery," said Micah.

"Do what?" asked Steve.

"Send my grass out to be mowed," answered Micah.

(Joke courtesy of BBIX34)

*-- Q and A Quickies --*

Q: Why do mermaids wear seashells?

A: Because B-shells are too small and D-shells are too big.

Q: What's big & round at the bottom, pointy on the top; and has ears?

A: A mountain; what, you never heard of mountain-ears.

(Joke courtesy of Paula E.B.)


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