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THE DAILY GROANER - Monday, October 11th 2010

Good Morning Groanies,

The other night a black cat crossed my path.

Now I'm not superstitious, but I began to re-think my
stance on the subject after quite an interesting Sunday.

I fell down the stairs, got a flat tire, burned myself
on the stove, split my pants, bit my tongue, shrunk my
clothes in the dryer, broke a window, was attacked by a
foaming squirrel, peed my pants... a little, twisted my
ankle, burned my dinner, cut myself shaving, over-flowed
the toilet, and hit my head on the kitchen table.

And after all that I still believe that superstitions are
a load of yard-cigars.

I sense that some may have uttered "Why?" while reading
the previous sentence. Well, I think superstitions are
bunk mainly due to the fact that most of those things
from the list above encompass a typical night for me.

Hey, the fun never stops.

Groaningly yours,

Email Steve:

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One morning a mother was trying to wake up her son.
"Wake up now! It's time to go to school."

"I don't want to go to school," the son replied.

His mother said, "Give me two reasons why you don't want
to go to school."

"Okay. One, all the children hate me. Two, all the
teachers hate me."

"Not good enough," the mother replied.

"Fine," the son said. "Then you give me two good reasons
why I SHOULD go to school."

"One, you're 50 years old. Two, you're the principal of
the school."


Q: What's a cat's favorite breakfast?

A: Mice Krispies.

Q: What do whale's like to chew?

A: Blubber gum.

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