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THE DAILY GROANER - Wed., August 8th 2012

Good Morning Groanies,

Today, as promised, I have more great, crazy, funny name stories to share with you. Thanks for the emails. I've enjoyed them all. I'm sorry that I can't put all of them in these last few issues. So, here we go...

I came across a kid that was an incoming Freshman at college with the name Dorwood Borgschulte III. Why in the hell would you inflict this name on your child? Especially if you were the Junior. - Terry
[That name is much better than the guy that gave me my 1st driving test - Burke Shartsmoore. Poor guy.]

Hi Steve, I was going through a list of residents at my school and came across one named King Kong. Poor kid! Best, Nancy
[If my parents named me that I would go ape!]

My dad's best friends wife was in maternity ward with a woman who named her newborn girl Female (Fa Molly). because that was the name the hospital put on her newborns bracelet and crib. - CYBRDAWG19
[So if the baby was a dude would the name have been Molly because of "Male" being on the tag?]

Since you sent me more fantastic "weird name" stories and such I think I may have one more of these issues on the way. Be on the lookout for Monday's issue on...Monday.

Groaningly yours,

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Jokes? Comments? Questions? Email Steve

*-- The Run-Down Rabbit --*

A man was driving down the road one day and saw the on-coming car hit a rabbit. The man stopped to see how the bunny was. The driver who hit the rabbit stepped out of the car, sprayed the rabbit with something and all of a sudden, the rabbit jumped up, waved, hopped a little ways down the road, waved again, hopped to the edge of the forest, turned around, waved again, then hopped into the forest not seen again.

The man was amazed. "What did you spray him with??!"

The driver said, "It's a hair rejuvenator with a permanent wave."

*-- Q and A Quickies --*

Q: What do you call a cow spying on another cow?

A: A steak out.

Q: What does a cow say when she has a cold?


*-- More Q and A Quickies --*

Q: What dinosaur would you find in a rodeo?

A: Bronco-saurus!

Q: What dinosaur can't stay out in the rain?

A: Stegosaur-rust!


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