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Walk Your Dog Safely at Night with a Retractable LED Dog Leash
THE DAILY GROANER - Monday, August 30th 2010

Good Morning Groanies,

I learned something interesting the other day. I went
to an "All-You-Can-Eat" Buffet place and I discovered
the term "All-You-Can-Eat" harshly misrepresents the

This establishment claims that it's "All-You-Can-Eat"
Buffet is for one particular meal-time. So now I can't
spend all day in this fine dining location and only pay
for one meal and then eat four meals throughout the
entire day.

I guess I'll just have to wear my over-sized coat and
pants when I go there. The rolls alone are worth it.
Oh, I can't forget some ziploc bags to hold my procured

Hmmmm, procured gravy.

Groaningly yours,

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A man was watering his lawn one day when he saw two hearses
followed by a man, his dog and a single file line of about
200 men. He thought this was very strange so he asked the
guy (with the dog) what was going on.

"That's my wife in the first hearse, my dog bit her and she
died," the man answered.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry to hear that," the guy watering his
lawn said. "What about the second hearse?"

"Well that's my mother-in-law, my dog also bit her and
she died."

The guy watering his lawn thought for a minute and said,
"Can I borrow your dog?"

The man with the dog responded, "Back of the line!"


Q: What did the picture say to the wall?

A: "I've been framed."

Q: How is a cat drinking milk like a track star?

A: They both enjoy taking a few laps.

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