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January 28, 2010

Bath salts can be made with either sea salts or Epsom salts.
Which salt is right for your bath? That depends on what you
are looking for. Want to unwind? Try Epsom salts. They soothe
sore muscles and calm the body. Want an energy boost? Then
use sea salts. They stimulate circulation so you feel more
alert :)


Gophercentral on Twitter:


To clean up spills in the oven, sprinkle table salt
immediately on the spill. When oven has cooled, brush
away the burnt-on food with a damp sponge. The salt will
make the spill much easier to clean up, saving time and
money, since you won't have to buy oven cleaner as often!


Retail Price: $14.99
OUR PRICE: $1.99

Relive the gripping moments you remember and the ones you
never saw in season one of 'American Idol'. It's a collectible
treasure that has become a phenomenon.

This special collection is filled with music, music, music! From
winner Kelly Clarkson to Ryan Starr all the finalists are here
on this one DVD. Plus this price will have YOU dancing and
singing. It's below cost at just $1.99.

Replace the car windshield washing formula in your car
with half vinegar and half water. This cuts the road grime
and leaves the windshield crytal clear.


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