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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Good morning crew,

Ah, the week is almost over! After the adventures of last weekend I was looking forward to a nice, relaxing couple days of indolence, but it seems the wife has some sort of surprise planned for Saturday.

Whatever it is I don't imagine it involves me sitting on my butt for 48 hours within arm's proximity of a fridge full of beer, but she promises that I will love it.

She's a pretty clever woman. Hmmm...maybe it does involve some kind of sitting activity where there is a lot of beer and little or no expectation of participation.

If only such a place existed. I'll let you know what happens next week.

Laugh it up,


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"Do you know who's engaged? Hugh Hefner. He said today about his fiancee, 'I've fallen for her and I can't get up.'" -David Letterman


"Facebook has announced that it will not be developing any of its own games and will continue to rely on outside companies. Facebook can still take credit for that one popular game: 'Guess who got fat since high school.' --Jimmy Fallon


"In Russia, there was a 125-mile traffic jam that had drivers stuck in traffic for three days. Here in Los Angeles that's known as Friday." -Conan O'Brien


When I bought my new Lexus my two sons asked me who would inherit it if I met my demise. I pondered the question, then told them if I passed away on an even day, the son born on an even day would get it. If it happened on an odd day, the one born on the odd day would get it.

A few weekends later, while river rafting with one of my sons, I was tossed out of the boat. As I floated in the rapids, I heard my son yelling, "It's the wrong day!"

*-------------- Guaranteed to Roll Your Eyes --------------*

After browsing the restaurant menu, I had a question for the waitress. "About the salmon entree, is that a steak or a fillet?"

"Neither," she said. "It's a fish."