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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good morning crew,

Can you believe it? My girlfriend has never had a Hot Toddy.
The poor kid, she has been pretty sick recenty with some
kind of upper respiratory thing, so on Sunday I suggested
that instead of her sitting at home and suffering by herself
she might as well come to my place and suffer with a little

Since she spent both Friday and Saturday in bed she was eager
to get out of the house.

My plan was to give her a little TLC so I went out and picked
up some tea bags and honey and a bottle of brandy. For those
of you in the know, that combination is guaranteed to knock
out a cold or sore throat (or at least arrange it so you don't
care if you're sick).

While she was a bit taken aback at my medicinal application
of booze, she was not so skeptical as to refuse. And I, as
a precautionary measure, felt it incumbent upon me to
participate as well.

Let me tell you there was a lot of healing going on.

Of course yesterday she woke up still sick, but with a hang-
over. And she blamed me for that. That's what I get for

Laugh it up,


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"A man in Kentucky cut off another man's beard and forced him
to eat it during a fight. In a related story, I'm staying the
heck out of Kentucky." -Conan O'Brien


"This will be a rough week for President Obama. He's got a
lame duck Congress, he has to pardon a turkey, he has to eat
crow, and the Chinese just flipped him the bird. It's been a
fowl week." -Jay Leno


"Animal Control discovered a woman here in New York with 50
cats in her two-bedroom apartment. That's insane. I mean,
how can a crazy cat lady in New York afford a two-bedroom
apartment?? -Jimmy Fallon

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Since my purchases came to $19.06, I handed the cashier a

"Do you have six cents?" she asked.

"Sorry," I said after fishing around my pockets, "I have no

"Finally," she muttered, "a man who can admit it."

*-------------- Guaranteed to Roll Your Eyes ---------------*

I've never understood why women love cats. Cats are inde-
pendent, they don't listen, they don't come in when you
call, they like to stay out all night, and when they're
home they like to be left alone and sleep. In other words,
every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat.



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need to get a copy of THE BEST OF CLEAN LAFFS! Order Joe's
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