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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Good morning crew,

Who would have thought that spending twelve hours a week engaged in strenuous, physical activity at the school for the last 18 months would have any negative consequences.

A couple of weeks ago I developed a sharp pain in my knee that seems very reluctant to go away.

Since then I have heard all sorts of scary sounding amateur diagnoses like meniscus or ACL tear. It has definitely been making me nervous. The last thing I want to do is have some surgery that will limit my mobility for the rest of my life.

So in order to avoid that I have refused to do to a doctor. That seems to me to be the best way to reduce the consequences of whatever injury I might have. I mean, it's not like my martial arts career depends on it or anything.

Laugh it up,


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"I was talking to my friend at the weather department and he said that in autumn you have weather that's not really cold and certainly not really hot, so pollsters refer to autumn as 'undecided.'" -David Letterman


"There seems to still be sexism in politics. You still see candidates objectified. I'm talking about you, Paul Ryan ? with your great abs and suspiciously good marathon times." -Craig Ferguson


"A new report found that 20 percent of people over 45 had to dip into their retirement savings last year. And the other 80 percent said, 'retirement savings?'" -Jimmy Fallon


A young man was applying for a job in a big company.

"I'm sorry," said the personnel manager, "but the firm is overstaffed; we have more employees now than we really need."

"That's all right," replied the young man, undiscouraged, "the little bit of work I do won't be noticed anyway."

*-------------- Guaranteed to Roll Your Eyes --------------*

I was working in a scrap yard during summer vacation at engineering university. I used to work repairing construction equipment.

One afternoon, I was taking apart a piling hammer that had some very large bolts holding it together. One of the nuts had corroded on to the bolt; to free it I started heating the nut with an oxy-acetylene torch. As I was doing this, one of the dimmest apprentices I have ever known came along. He asked me what I was doing. I patiently explained that if I heated the nut it would grow larger and release its grip on the bolt so I could then remove it.

"So things get larger when they get hot, do they?" he asked.

Suddenly, an idea flashed into my mind. "Yes," I said, "that's why days are longer in summer and shorter in winter."

There was a long pause, then his face cleared. "You know, I always wondered about that," he said.