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Monday, December 28, 2009

Good morning crew,

Has everyone recovered from their holiday festivities? Take
a breather while you have the chance because it's not over
yet. The big one is next week...New Year's Eve.

I haven't hammered out any final plans yet, but I'll let you
know what kind of trouble I have planned next week. Hopefully
it will involve dancing on a bar like last year's party did.

Be safe, be careful, and enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Laugh it up,


P.S. We now have a Forum. You can post comments on this and
recent issues at...


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"A new study shows that California has the dirtiest tap
water in the country. California officials insist that the
dirty water is fine as long as you chew it thoroughly."
-Conan O'Brien


"They used to say a recession is when your neighbor lost his
job, and a depression is when you lost yours, but now they
say a recession is when Wall Street gets bailed out, and a
depression is what you get thinking about it." -Jay Leno


"A new study found that women's faces age and wrinkle just
like their mothers. The study was conducted by the American
Society of Wrong Things to Say to Your Wife." -Jimmy Fallon

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We were eating at one of the trendier restaurants in town
when my friend pointed to the menu and told the waitress,
"I'll have the 24."

"Uh, Jim," I whispered, "that's the price, not the meal

"Oh," he said. "In that case give me the 12."

*-------------- Guaranteed to Roll Your Eyes ---------------*

A man goes into a restaurant, sits down at a table and an
attractive young waitress comes for his order. He gives her
a smile and says, "I want a quickie."

She turns red in the face and ahems, "Sir, I don't know what
kind of restaurant you're used to eating in, but I can assure
you you're not going to get a quickie here!"

"How disappointing," the man replied. "Could you ask the chef
to make an exception?"

"He doesn't have anything to do with it!" says the waitress

"Hmmm," do you know anywhere around here where I could get
a quickie?"

"I'm SURE I don't know," answers the waitress loudly.

A patron from the next table leans over and taps the man on
the shoulder, "I think it's pronounced QUICHE."


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