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Monday, November 15, 2010

Good morning crew,

I got talked into going to a Notre Dame football game this
weekend. I shouldn't say it like that, actually, because it
was pretty fun. despite the rain.

I'm not a huge football fan, but I did enjoy the tailgating.
I've always been a fan of cooking out. Although Notre Dame
is a little shy of a hundred miles from my neighborhood,
which seems a long way to transport beer and bratwursts,
but, hey, it's not like we can stand around in the grass
here in the Chicago suburbs and grill and drink beers and
smoke cigars, right?

Laugh it up,


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"Britain's Prince William is reportedly engaged to his long-
time girlfriend. It's a big step up from her previous status:
peasant with benefits." -Conan O'Brien


"A kindergarten teacher in Florida was arrested for
trafficking Oxycodone. Other teachers became suspicious
when she had the only class in school with a six-hour
naptime." -Jimmy Fallon


"The use of profanity on broadcast television is up 69
percent in the last few years. That should level off once
Oprah steps down." -Jimmy Kimmel

Top Viewed Videos...

1. All the Single Babies

2. Celebrities: Before and After Make-Up

3. Amos N´ Andy - In the IRS Office

4. The D-Day Invasion

5. The Spanish Civil War

6. The Human Slinky

A couple moved to the country when they retired. One mild
winter, they had a bit of a problem with rodents in the
garage. So they bought one of those little sub-sonic mouse
repellants, the kind you plug in and they emit some kind
of sound that drives off mice. The husband was showing it
to their neighbor and explaining that it was an animal
repellant. He told her that it worked on every thing from
mice to elephants.

"Really!?" she said, "Mice to elephants, eh." sounding a bit

"Yes," he replied, seriously. "We've had it here for a couple
of weeks now and we haven't had a single elephant in the
garage the whole time!"

*-------------- Guaranteed to Roll Your Eyes ---------------*

Everyone knows I'm a stickler for good spelling. So, when an
associate e-mailed technical documents asking me to "decifer"
them, I had to set him straight.

I wrote, "Decipher is spelled with a ph, not an f. In case
you've forgotten, spell checker comes free with your soft-

A minute later, I got this reply, "Mine must be dephective."



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