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Monday, May 14, 2012

Good morning crew,

Well, I did not drive a Beemer to work today. Not that I really expected to. I knew going into it that my chances of winning were pitifully small, but what I wasn't expecting was the huge investment of time.

The golf resort we went to was a 75 minute drive outside of the city. After getting there I registered and then sat down with about 300 other people.

Apparently giving away a $50,000 BMW draws a lot of interest. We waited three hours before we met a salesperson. I would have left after the first hour if I hadn't already driven an hour and a quarter just to get out there.

So the salesman drove us around the resort for about half an hour, touting all of the activities and benefits the place has to offer. Then came the real fun. He sat us down at a table and began working us. What, he asked, would it take to get us into a time-share at this resort?

He'll waive this and he'll waive that. No registration fee, no down payment. You're first month is free.

When the first guy failed a "manager" came over to talk to us. The discounts got even bigger. He was practically giving a time-share away. All I had to do was sign and I could have his sister. Pretty much anything to get my signature.

For a minute or two he actually started to talk me into it, and then I realized I'm not insane.

So six hours later, yes, six hours, we finally got to the prize department person. She gave me, of all things, a scratchy ticket, like the kind you buy at the gas station. I scratched it off and...loser. Well, not a complete loser. I did win the free airfare for two days in Las Vegas. So in case I want to go and blow even bigger amounts of money, I can fly there to do it for free.

I think the next time somebody walks up to me in the mall and asks me to register to win a free car I am going to punch them straight in the mouth.

Laugh it up,


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"Here's a little bit of history. On this day in 1789, George Washington became the first president of the United States after just narrowly beating out Ron Paul." -Jay Leno


"In an interview this weekend, 'Jeopardy' host Alex Trebek hinted that he might retire in two years. Or as he put it, 'Born in 1940, this game show host wants to sit around in his bathrobe eating ice cream.'" -Jimmy Fallon


"These days, teachers have it rough. Kids can be hyperactive, disobedient, and obnoxious. It must feel like being locked in a room of drunk midgets." -Craig Ferguson


In a grocery store a cashier held up a small dairy carton and yelled to a co-worker, "How much is half-and-half?"

Without a moment's hesitation the other cashier replied, "One."

*-------------- Guaranteed to Roll Your Eyes --------------*

Music Styles

Five men on the same stage all playing different tunes.

Played exclusively by people who woke up this morning.

Dozen different types of percussion all going at once.

People singing when they should be talking.

People talking when they should be singing.

Discover the other 45 minutes they left out of the TV ad.

Endless songs about shipwrecks in the 19th century.

20 men who take it in turns to stand up plus a drummer.

Codpiece and chaps

OK as long as it's not the house next door.