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Monday, October 10, 2011

Good morning crew,

How's this for luck; the entire time I was on vacation it rained. Rained every day. And the temperatures never got out of the sixties.

This week past? Between 75 and 80 degrees and sunny every single day.

Ah, well, at least I had a productive weekend. I'll fill you in on the details later.

Welcome to a new week!

Laugh it up,


P.S. We have a *NEW* archive page! You can read newsletters from Clean Laffs to Bizarre News and dozens of titles in between. Years worth of issues! Just check out the link at the right of the page!


"Citibank will soon charge $15 a month for checking accounts with less than $6,000. Finally, someone's sticking it to those people with less than $6,000!" -Jimmy Fallon


"Denmark is charging a fat food tax on cheese, meat, and oil. Here, we call that the Denny's Grand Slam breakfast." -Jay Leno


"Pseudoscience describes theories that sound like science but are actually just made up, like aromatherapy or biorhythms or love." -Craig Ferguson


Our six-year-old daughter, Terra, has a need to ask questions...lots of questions. Finally, one day, my wife had it.

"Have you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?" my wife asked.

"No," replied Terra.

"Well, there was a cat, and he was very inquisitive. And one day, he looked into a big hole, fell in, and died!"

Wide-eyed, Terra whispered: "What was in the hole?"

*-------------- Guaranteed to Roll Your Eyes --------------*

A job applicant was asked, "What would you consider to be your main strengths and weaknesses?"

"Well," he began, "my main weakness would definitely be my issues with reality�-sometimes I have a little trouble telling what's real from what's not."

"Okay," said the interviewer. "And what are your strengths?"

"I'm Batman."