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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hello Animal lovers,

With the Olympics well underway, it's hard to focus on anything but the typical track and field sports, swimming, and volleyball it seems. I haven't watched a whole lot myself yet, I've been content playing table tennis with some friends, the occasional video game and reading the fifth Game of Thrones book. But the real reason I haven't watched any is that my roommate and I don't have cable. I really don't miss it too much, but it would be cool to have the games cycling on and off throughout the day, and perhaps I could catch a few of the more eccentric events.

Anyway, it got me wondering if there is an Olympic event for some of our more common pasttimes, like pool. A Google search was immediately derailed when I found a chihuahua playing pool, and I had to stop and watch it - and of course, share it with my readers! I still don't know if there is an event for pool...but I bet this little guy would qualify.

Pleasant Watching,

Chihuahua Plays Pool
Yes, I noticed that he scratched at about 40 seconds in too.

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Last Week's Clip:
Exotic Pet: Sugar Glider
No they don't actually fly (hence the name) but they are adorable pets, and chances are you can own one as an exotic pet for your very own self!

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