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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Greetings fellow Bizarros:

Anybody who is married knows that fights with your spouse can get pretty heated, but you have to be really pissed off to drive away with your wife clinging to the roof of your car!

A man who thought he abandoned his wife at a bar, learned that she was on the roof of his car. Richard Addy, 69, of Florida, told police that he left the bar alone and he had no idea that his wife Elizabeth, 50, was on top of his vehicle.

He told police that after driving a few miles, he stopped at a traffic light and heard banging on the roof. That is when he realized that she was there. However, he said that he chose not to stop because he did not have a cellphone to call for help.

Because getting one drunk and pissed off wife off of the roof of your car is NOT something you want to do by yourself.

He finally stopped when Officer Christopher Ruediger spotted the 50-year-old woman on the roof of the car and pulled him over. Addy said that he and his wife had several drinks during the course of the night at a few bars. He said that he decided to leave without his wife because they were arguing.

Addy was arrested and charged with reckless driving. He was also issued a citation for permitting a passenger to ride on the exterior of a vehicle.


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*--- Woman Spends Weekend in Public Toilet ---*

A woman was rescued from a library toilet after being stuck inside for two days, police in Texas said. Waco police said that they received a call from employees of the library to report a woman stuck in a toilet. According to the police investigation, the woman came to the library on Saturday night and went into the bathroom just before closing time. Somehow, she got stuck inside a toilet and could not get out. She did not have a cellphone and was unable to call for help. When the West Waco Library was locked, she remained inside. Around 7:00 a.m. on Monday, employees found the woman in the toilet and called the police. The woman was rescued. She did not suffer any injuries.


*----------- Luck Doesn't Get Any Worse -----------*

LOS ANGELES, CA - A man almost drove off a cliff on a Malibu road, stumbled away from the teetering car, to then be hit by a passing tour bus, authorities said. The driver lost control of his SUV, slamming it through the guard rail on the windy canyon road. Still disoriented after pulling himself out of the car, he took a few steps out onto the road where he was struck by a tour bus. Deputies responded around 4:30 p.m. The man was treated by California Highway Patrol and the Los Angeles County Fire Department before he was transported to a local hospital. "This is a reminder of the need to drive safely through the canyons of our beautiful area and to use extreme caution at the scene of a traffic collision," sheriff's officials said.


*-------------- READER COMMENTS --------------*

Hello Lewis, James Garner played Jim Rockford during the 70s, a private eye who had served time before.
[That's James Garner. He can do whatever the hell he wants. We're talking about regular people here.]

How can this poor soul ever get a fair trial. EVERYONE recognizes the Cookie Monster.
[As long as they don't try him on Sesame Street they should be able to find an impartial jury.]

It's nice to see Target assuming some of the responsibility for attracting psychos and trailer trash. Wal-Mart has been shouldering that burden for too long.

Lewis, money is money. What do you expect Target to do, throw away revenue just because a corpse happens to be bleeding all over the housewares aisle? It's a good thing you write an Internet blog and aren't in charge of any business.

*----------- END OF READER COMMENTS ----------*