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Sunday, August 28, 2016

1 Corinthians 13:4

Love suffers long...

Greetings Bible Enthusiast!

We could write a twenty page essay on this one, couldn't we? What does 'suffer long' mean? Not yelling when your loved one forgets to put the toilet seat down or put the cap back on the toothpaste, perhaps? Not 'losing it' if someone hits your brand new car? Patiently answering a child's 9,834th question? It varies for each individual. In your heart, you probably know what is required of you to 'suffer long.'

God Bless You!

Email Annie

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Q. Who was Hagar?

Answer below.



God's love for me is inexhaustible, and His love for me is the basis of my love for others.

-Oswald Chambers


When I dropped my son off at college, we found that he was assigned to the fourth floor of a dormitory. As I trudged through the parking lot to retrieve yet another load to carry up the four flights of stairs, two young women caught my attention from a dorm window. "Hey, Mom!" one called down. "Yo, Mom!"

I was too tired to respond, so I just ignored them until I heard the second girl ask the first, "How do you know that woman is somebody's mom?"

The first girl replied, "Who else would do that?"



Q. Who was Hagar?

A. Sarai's maidservant.

Genesis 16:1

Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. And she had a...maidservant whose name was Hagar.