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There are tons of beauty hacks out there. Some are amazing while some are just a disaster. I've told you about the ones that are awesome, so here are some that are a disaster!

-Neglecting your Make-Up brushes- they deserve TLC too

-Skipping Lipstick because you think it's for older people- Lipstick looks great on everyone!

-Not Moisturizing Oily Skin- By adding moisture to your face, your skin doesn't have to work as hard to keep from drying out!

-Brushing your hair excessively- Brushing your hair too much actually strips it of the natural oils.

-Weird DIY lip plumping tricks- These can damage your lips. For fuller lips, use makeup!

-Exfoliating every time you cleanse- This does not need to be done daily. Too much exfoliating can lead to micro-tears in your skin.

-Using wipes instead of cleansers- The chemicals in wipes stay on your skin because you don't rinse your face after. This can come breakouts!

-Using glue to remove blackheads- This glue exposes your face to polymers and chemicals and will NOT pull the blackheads off your face.

These are just some of the things to avoid! Stay tuned for more things to avoid in next week's newsletter.