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October 31, 2012

Hello Everyone,

Beat the blues by sleeping.

New research reveals getting seven to eight hours of sleep
each night helps you let go of remorse from the past. One
theory: sleep reboots brain areas that govern emotion,
making you more apt to focus on the positive.`

Handy Hints Holly

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Hint 1:

Stopping to wash utensils such as paring knives, whisks or
wooden spoons can really slow down your meal prep. Instead,
fill a large jar with hot water and a couple drops of dish
soap. As you work, place dirty utensils into the jar as soon
as you use them. When you reach for them again, just rinse
off and they'll be ready to go - - no scrubbing needed!


Hint 2:
Just in time...a tip to make wool sweaters flufflier

Soften it in a snap with white vinegar. It's it's machine-
washable knit, drop in two capfuls of vinegar during the final rinse cycle--this will remove soap residue and give your sweater a fluffy, soft feel!